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Quran — Al-Imran (Surah 3) 93–170

Hizb 7: Lan Tanālū

All food was lawful to the Children of Israel save what Israel forbade for himself before the Torah was sent down. Say: 'Bring you the Torah now, and recite it, if you are truthful.'

Whoso forges falsehood against God after that, those are the evildoers.

Say: 'God has spoken the truth; therefore follow the creed of Abraham, a man of pure faith and no idolater.'

The first House established for the people was that at Bekka, a place holy, and a guidance to all beings.

Therein are clear signs -- the station of Abraham, and whosoever enters it is in security. It is the duty of all men towards God to come to the House a pilgrim, if he is able to make his way there. As for the unbeliever, God is All-sufficient nor needs any being.

Say: 'People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the signs of God? Surely God is witness of the things you do.'

Say: 'People of the Book, why do you bar from God's way the believer, desiring to make it crooked, yourselves being witnesses? God is not heedless of the things you do.'

O believers, if you obey a sect of those who have been given the Book, they will turn you, after you have believed, into unbelievers.

How can you disbelieve, seeing you have God's signs recited to you, and His Messenger among you? Whosoever holds fast to God, he is guided to a straight path.

O believers, fear God as He should be feared, and see you do not die, save in surrender.

And hold you fast to God's bond, together, and do not scatter; remember God's blessing upon you when you were enemies, and He brought your hearts together, so that by His blessing you became brothers. You were upon the brink of a pit of Fire, and He delivered you from it; even so God makes clear to you His signs; so haply you will be guided.

Let there be one nation of you, calling to good, and bidding to honour, and forbidding dishonour; those are the prosperers.

Be not as those who scattered and fell into variance after the clear signs came to them; those there awaits a mighty chastisement, the day when some faces are blackened, and some faces whitened. As for those whose faces are blackened -- 'Did you disbelieve after you had believed? Then taste the chastisement for that you disbelieved!'

But as for those whose faces are whitened, they shall be in God's mercy, therein dwelling forever.

These are the signs of God We recite to thee in truth, and God desires not any injustice to living beings.

To God belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth, and unto Him all matters are returned.

You are the best nation ever brought forth to men, bidding to honour, and forbidding dishonour, and believing in God. Had the People of the Book believed, it were better for them; some of them are believers, but the most of them are ungodly.

They will not harm you, except a little hurt; and if they fight with you, they will turn on you their backs; then they will not be helped.

Abasement shall be pitched on them, wherever they are come upon, except they be in a bond of God, and a bond of the people; they will be laden with the burden of God's anger, and poverty shall be pitched on them; that, because they disbelieved in God's signs, and slew the Prophets without right; that, for that they acted rebelliously and were transgressors.

Yet they are not all alike; some of the People of the Book are a nation upstanding, that recite God's signs in the watches of the night, bowing themselves, believing in God and in the Last Day, bidding to honour and forbidding dishonour, vying one with the other in good works; those are of the righteous.

And whatsoever good you do, you shall not be denied the just reward of it; and God knows the godfearing.

As for the unbelievers, their riches shall not avail them, neither their children, against God; those are the inhabitants of the Fire, therein dwelling forever.

The likeness of that they expend in this present life is as the likeness of a freezing blast that smites the tillage of a people who wronged themselves, and it destroyed that; God wronged them not, but themselves they wronged.

O believers, take not for your intimates outside yourselves such men spare nothing to ruin you; they yearn for you to suffer Hatred has already shown itself of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is yet greater. Now We have made clear to you the signs, if you understand.

Ha, there you are; you love them, and they love you not; you believe in the Book, all of it, and when they meet you they say, 'We believe,' but when they go privily, they bite at you their fingers, enraged. Say: 'Die in your rage; God knows the thoughts in the breasts.'

If you are visited by good fortune, it vexes them; but if you are smitten by evil, they rejoice at it. Yet if you are patient and godfearing, their guile will hurt you nothing; God encompasses the things they do.

When thou wentest forth at dawn from thy people to lodge the believers in their pitches for the battle -- God is All-hearing, All-knowing -- when two parties of you were about to lose heart, though God was their Protector -- and in God let the believers put all their trust -- and God most surely helped you at Badr, when you were utterly abject. So fear God, and haply you Will be thankful.

When thou saidst to the believers, 'Is it not enough for you that your Lord should reinforce you with three thousand angels sent down upon you?

Yea; if you are patient and godfearing, and the foe come against you instantly, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand swooping angels.'

God wrought this not, save as good tiding to you, and that your hearts might be at rest; help comes only from God the All-mighty, the All-wise; and that He might cut off a part of the unbelievers or frustrate them, so that they turned in their tracks, disappointed.

No part of the matter is thine, whether He turns towards them again, or chastises them; for they are evildoers.

To God belongs all that is in the heavens and earth; He forgives whom He will, and chastises whom He will; God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.

O believers, devour not usury, doubled and redoubled, and fear you God; haply so you will prosper.

And fear the Fire prepared for the unbelievers, and obey God and the Messenger; haply so you will find mercy.

And vie with one another, hastening to forgiveness from your Lord, and to a garden whose breadth is as the heavens and earth, prepared for the godfearing who expend in prosperity and adversity in almsgiving, and restrain their rage, and pardon the offences of their fellowmen; and God loves the good-doers; who, when they commit an indecency or wrong themselves, remember God, and pray forgiveness for their sins -- and who shall forgive sins but God? -- and do not persevere in the things they did and that wittingly.

Those -- their recompense is forgiveness from their Lord, and gardens beneath which rivers flow, therein dwelling forever; and how excellent is the wage of those who labour!

Divers institutions have passed away before you; journey in the land, and behold how was the end of those that cried lies.

This is an exposition for mankind, and a guidance, and an admonition for such as are godfearing.

Faint not, neither sorrow; you shall be the upper ones if you are believers.

If a wound touches you, a like wound already has touched the heathen; such days We deal out in turn among men, and that God may know who are the believers, and that He may take witnesses from among you; and God loves not the evildoers; and that God may prove the believers, and blot out the unbelievers.

Or did you suppose you should enter Paradise without God know who of you have struggled and who are patient?

You were longing for death before you met it; now you have seen it, while you were beholding.

Muhammad is naught but a Messenger; Messengers have passed away before him. Why, if he should die or is slain, will you turn about on your heels? If any man should turn about on his heels, he will not harm God in any way; and God will recompense the thankful.

It is not given to any soul to die, save by the leave of God, at an appointed time. Whoso desires the reward of this world, We will give him of this; and whoso desires the reward of the other world, We will give him of that; and We will recompense the thankful.

Many a Prophet there has been, with whom thousands manifold have fought, and they fainted not for what smote them in God's way, neither weakened, nor did they humble themselves; and God loves the patient.

Nothing else they said but, 'Lord, forgive us our sins, and that we exceeded in our affair, and make firm our feet, and help us against the people of the unbelievers.'

And God gave them the reward of this world and the fairest reward of the world to come; and God loves the good-doers.

O believers, if you obey the unbelievers they will turn you upon your heels, and you will turn about, losers.

No; but God is your Protector, and He is the best of helpers.

We will cast into the hearts of the unbelievers terror, for that they have associated with God that for which He sent down never authority; their lodging shall be the Fire; evil is the lodging of the evildoers.

God has been true in His promise towards you when you blasted them by His leave; until you lost heart, and quarrelled about the matter, and were rebellious, after He had shown you that you longed for. Some of you there are that desire this world, and some of you there are desire the next world. Then He turned you from them, that He might try you; and He has pardoned you; and God is bounteous to the believers.

When you were going up, not twisting about for anyone, and the Messenger was calling you in your rear; so He rewarded you with grief on grief that you might not sorrow for what escaped you neither for what smote you; and God is aware of the things you do.

Then He sent down upon you, after grief, security -- a slumber overcoming a party of you; and a party themselves had grieved, thinking of God thoughts that were not true such as the pagans thought, saying, 'Have we any part whatever in the affair?' Say: 'The affair belongs to God entirely.' They were concealing in their hearts that they show not to thee, saying, 'Ah, if we had had a part in the affair, never would we have been slain here.' Say: 'Even if you had been in your houses, those for whom slaying was appointed would have sallied forth unto their last couches'; and that God might try what was in your breasts, and that He might prove what was in your hearts; and God knows the thoughts in the breasts.

Those of you who turned away the day the two hosts encountered -- Satan made them slip for somewhat they had earned; but God has pardoned them; God is All-forgiving, All-clement.

O believers, be not as the unbelievers who say to their brothers, when they journey in the land, or are upon expeditions, 'If they had been with us, they would not have died and not been slain' -- that God may make that an anguish in their hearts. For God gives life, and He makes to die; and God sees the things you do.

If you are slain or die in God's way, forgiveness and mercy from God are a better thing than that you amass; surely if you die or are slain, it is unto God you shall be mustered.

It was by some mercy of God that thou wast gentle to them; hadst thou been harsh and hard of heart, they would have scattered from about thee. So pardon them, and pray forgiveness for them, and take counsel with them in the affair; and when thou art resolved, put thy trust in God; surely God loves those who put their trust.

If God helps you, none can overcome you; but if He forsakes you, who then can help you after Him? Therefore in God let the believers put all their trust.

It is not for a Prophet to be fraudulent; whoso defrauds shall bring the fruits of his fraud on the Day of Resurrection; then every soul shall be paid in full what it has earned, and they shall not be wronged.

What, is he who follows God's good pleasure like him who is laden with the burden of God's anger, whose refuge is Gehenna? An evil homecoming!

They are in ranks with God; and God sees the things they do.

Truly God was gracious to the believers when He raised up among them a Messenger from themselves, to recite to them His signs and to purify them, and to teach them the Book and the Wisdom, though before they were in manifest error.

Why, when an affliction visited you, and you had visited twice over the like of it, did you say, 'How is this?' Say: 'This is from your own selves; surely God is powerful over everything.'

And what visited you, the day the two hosts encountered, was by God's leave, and that He might know the believers; and that He might also know the hypocrites when it was said of them, 'Come now, fight in the way of God, or repel!' They said, 'If only we knew how to fight, we would follow you.' They that day were nearer to unbelief than to belief, saying with their mouths that which never was in their hearts; and God knows very well the things they hide; who said of their brothers (and they themselves held back), 'Had they obeyed us, they would not have been slain.' Say: 'Then avert death from yourselves, if you speak truly.'

Count not those who were slain in God's way as dead, but rather living with their Lord, by Him provided, rejoicing in the bounty that God has given them, and joyful in those who remain behind and have not joined them, because no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.